5 Lines on Parrot

The parrot is a well-known bird. Here I share 5 lines on parrot in English. This 5 sentence is about parrot for kids and all the students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12.
5 Lines on Parrot
5 Lines on Parrot

5 lines on parrot for class 1, 2, 3, 4,5

1) Parrot is a bird.
2) Parrot's are beautiful animals.
3) I have a parrot.
4) Parrot can imitate voices.
5) There are over 300 species of parrot.

5 lines about parrot for class 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11 & 12

1) Parrot is an interesting bird.
2) Parrot are popular pets.
3) Like humans, parrot also make different sounds.
4) Parrot can be tamed.
5) I love this bird .

Few lines on parrot

1) There are many reasons to love parrot.
2) Parrot is a great companion at home.
3) You can teach your parrot to speak and express itself.
4) Parrots are intelligent animals.
5) The world of birds is fascinating.

In conclusion, the parrot is free and wild, loving and living loudly. The parrot has a unique personality to add to your home or office. They make great pets and should be cared for properly.

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