10 Lines on My Favorite Book

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Book is a familiar thing in human life. Here I share 10 lines on my favorite book. In these few lines reading you get a summary view about main things of these books. So read ten lines on my favorite book which I share here.

10 lines on my favourite book
10 lines on my favourite book

10 Lines on My Favorite Book for Class 8, 9 and 10

1) My favorite book name is The Hound of the Baskervilles.
2) It is written by sir Arther Conan Doyal.
3) It is an adventure Novels book, which was published in 1902.
4) Each line of this book is full of mysteries.
5) The main character of this novel is sherlock holmes.
6) Still, a lot of people or readers seems Sherlock homes is not a  fictional character.
7) Every week a lot of readers send letters on 221B Baker street where sherlock home lives in this novel.
8) In this novel, Sherlocks homes have a friend named  Dr. Watson.
9) He ( Dr. Watson) is the character who explains whole the story and assistant on Sharlock homes.
10) I love this detective novel and another story of sharlock homes.

    10 Lines on My Favorite Book for Class 5, 6 and 7

    1) English for today is my favorite book.
    2) When I read in class 3,4,5, I read this book.
    3) It is really interesting for full of the story with pictures.
    4) In this book, I read moral, social, education and fun story.
    5) This English book helps me to learn English in my childhood.
    6) In this book, there are some chapters. Some time some chapter are divided by some lessons.
    7) At the end of chapter or lesson here get some puzzle like fill in the blanks, short question, rearrange etc.
    8) In this time I miss those books a lot.
    9) These books can make children childhood more joyful.
    10) This book is a part of my school life memory.

      10 Lines on My Favorite Book for Class 2, 3 and 4

      1) Now I am sharing about my favorite book which is paradoxical Sajid.
      2) This book is written by Arif Azad. He is a popular Bangladeshi writer for this book.
      3) Author Arif Azad present or creat all the story of this book is amazing.
      4) The main character of this book is Sajid.
      5) Sajid presents or elaborates a lot of true things in every story.
      6) The book broke a lot of argument of atheism and make the believers believe more strong.
      7) The people who think there is no creator of this universe can read this book. It can change the thought of any atheist.
      8) This was the best seller book of the book fair when it published.
      9) I bought the second part of paradoxical Sajid book on last book fair.
      10) All the story of the last book was also awesome and amazing. I love this paradoxical Sajid part 1 and  Still, These are on my favorite book list.

        10 Lines on My Favorite Book for Class Student

        1) In recent time General knowledge book is my favorite book.
        2) There are a lot of publications which is publishing this book.
        3) Although the topic plane or context is different in different publisher.
        4) Every year new things are adding in the general knowledge which is published on that current year.
        5) General knowledge makes any people extra genius.
        6) I know a lot of international, historical, national things from this book.
        7) Every people need to know general knowledge for good jobs.
        8) This book can not make me boring when I read it.
        9) It makes me updated about the present history and topic of the present world.
        10) Day by day the list of my favorite books is increasing.

        Comment below what is your favorite book, and explain why that is favorite.Thank you.

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